Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Security Briefs

How drone systems are changing warfare

By Nana Brink

At first glance, the YouTube presentation by DARPA looks a lot like an amateur video. Young men – some in camouflage – holding tablets are flying drones. About the size of a man’s palm, they whirr around like a swarm of birds – changing direction on a dime, suddenly dispersing, then reconvening. Cut. The clip then shows the target area, a square. Cut. Hundreds of black dots move onto the …

Europe needs a plan for AI in the military realm

By Ulrike Franke

In Europe, 2019 was the year of artificial intelligence (AI). Governments put together expert groups, organized public debates and published national strategies designed to grapple with the possible implications of AI in areas such as health care, the labor market and transportation. European countries developed training programs, allocated investment and made plans for research cooperation. In 2020, the challenge for governments will be to show that they can fulfill their …

Managing a world of weaponized interdependence

By Amrita Narlikar

Speaking at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, US Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau eloquently declared: “Economic aggression can have no other offspring than war. It is as dangerous as it is futile.” His speech reflected an understanding shared by many at the time – that peace and prosperity were indivisible. Many of the multilateral institutions, built in the aftermath of World War II, thus aimed to reduce the …

NATO must address the looming threat of cyberattacks

By Julia Berghofer

Today, the risks associated with severe cyberattacks on critical infrastructure and military systems in general are drawing increased attention. Not only are cyberattacks becoming more frequent and more professional, their destructive capabilities are also more widely available than ever for state and non-state actors alike. The risk of cyber interference in critical civil and government systems poses a threat with incalculable consequences for the Euro-Atlantic community.

Because of their complacency, …

“Hardball” at the 2020 Munich Security Conference

By Lutz Lichtenberger and Oliver Rolofs

The MSC conference edition of The Security Times focuses on the decay of the Western world order

 February 13, 2020 – As representatives of international politics gather to discuss current crises and conflicts at the Munich Security Conference (MSC), they will once again have a special edition of the English-language newspaper The Security Times to guide their way.

The Security Times, published by Berlin-based Times Media GmbH, has been a …

The number of Africans migrating overseas is bound to rise significantly, and most will head for Europe

By Stephen Smith

A growing security threat at Europe’s southern borders has remained unacknowledged for almost a century. It has never been conceived in military terms and, I believe, rightfully so. But it has been depoliticized as merely a matter of economic expediency – the intake, first, of a cheap and much needed low-skilled labor force and, then, of a vital demographic to rejuvenate the Old Continent’s faltering social security systems, “retirement fodder” …

Global arms sales have grown for the third year in a row with Russia crowding out the UK for second place

By Markus Bickel

The difference in numbers is striking. Whereas $7.87 billion was spent on the 16 peacekeeping operations organized by the United Nations, global arms sales reached almost $400 billion. For the third year in a row, the United States along with Russia, China, Great Britain, France and Germany earned almost fifty times more in arms revenues than they spent on peacekeeping missions – clear evidence that armed conflicts continue to boost …

Even a globally adopted database will not resolve the problem of ambiguous military spending data

Even a globally adopted database will not resolve the problem of ambiguous military spending data
By Mathias Albert and Thomas Müller

As a comparative measure, military spending is frequently used in both scholarly and political debates. Assessing the balance of power, level of armaments as well as arms races and arms control issues all require comparisons. While military spending refers to the input rather than the output dimension of military capabilities, it is nonetheless often regarded as a straightforward comparative measure.

At second glance, however, military expenditures illustrate the difficulties and …

Death by remote: Do drones actually serve the war on terror?

By Emran Feroz

Several weeks ago, Mullah Abdul Manan Akhund, a powerful Taliban commander from the southern Afghan province of Helmand, was struck down by an American drone strike and his death celebrated. Many observers, including journalists and politicians from Afghanistan and elsewhere, flooded networks like Twitter with exclamations of joy over the attack.

The death of Mullah Manan, as the Taliban leader was called, was important news. But it was also a …

Journalists in conflict zones are increasingly targeted for their work. Media outlets must take ownership of their responsibilities

Journalists in conflict zones are increasingly targeted for their work. Media outlets must take ownership of their responsibilities
By Ines Pohl

Unfortunately, the remark attributed to Senator Hiram Johnson remains as valid today as when it was uttered in 1917: “The first casualty when war comes is truth.” With the outbreak of armed conflict, information decays into propaganda, thereby becoming an additional weapon of war. That makes the independent work of reporters all the more important in zones of war or crisis. Only a free and independent press ensures objective information …