Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Controlling the narrative

By Gwendolyn Sasse

Russia’s war in Ukraine started long before February 2022

Awhole year has passed since Russia launched its invasion into Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, a move that has since been recognized as a political *Zeitenwende* (watershed). War uproots our sense of time, and time has passed both quickly and painstakingly slowly since February 2022. Amid …

Official intelligence

Official intelligence
By Wolfgang Schmidt

The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is a unique forum for debating international security policy. Every year, numerous heads of state and government come together to discuss openly and constructively the world’s most pressing security concerns.

A less well-known fact is that, since 2018, the MSC has also been bringing together heads of intelligence services for …

We shall prevail

We shall prevail
By Wolfgang Ischinger

Dear readers of The Security Times, dear speakers, participants, partners and supporters of the MSC,

At the invitation of publisher Detlef Prinz, I have stepped into the very big shoes of Ted Sommer (see page 27), whose passing last year we continue to mourn.

Under Ted’s leadership, The Security Times developed into a highly useful …

Vulgar villains

By Claus Leggewie

The threat posed by right-wing forces across the globe is as real as it was 100 years ago

Two of the key hopes that emerged from the epoch-shifting Zeitenwende of 1989 have become mere illusions: The first involved hopes of a peace dividend generated by the end of the East-West conflict, and the second involved …

Prevention possible

By Patricia Lewis

The UK’s role in international security – doing more to understand and inhibit aggression

The arrival of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in London on Feb. 8 was a demonstration of the leading role that the UK has played in Europe’s support for Ukraine and the international resistance to an expansionist Russia. The UK’s main partners …

Xi’s wiz

By Kevin Rudd

Imagining that US and Chinese mutual understanding can allow all sides to flourish

For the first time in decades, the citizens of the world are confronting the reality that the prospect of crisis, confrontation and war between the global superpowers is in fact conceivable. Even five years ago, the notion of the United States and …

General failure

By Javier Solana

European security a year into the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Almost a year has passed since Russia invaded Ukraine. As leaders convene at this year’s Munich Security Conference, it is a good moment to reflect on what we have achieved and learned as Europeans in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and what challenges …

With or without you

By Ian Bremmer

The world is at a turning point. Or so they say

A growing chorus of analysts, investors and policymakers claim that much like World War I and the 1918 influenza pandemic brought an end to the first great era of globalization, the combination of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Covid-19, simmering populism and geopolitical competition between …

Dishonor roll

By David Miliband

A new index tracks accountability in the Age of Impunity

The evidence from around the world is that the powerful are becoming more powerful, and less accountable. As Moises Naim says at the beginning of his brilliant book The Revenge of Power: “What is this new foe that threatens our freedom, our prosperity, even our …

At a Scholz pace

By Henning Hoff

After a year of lumbering through Europe’s worst security crisis since 1945, the German chancellor’s foreign and defense policy still lacks speed, direction and determination

Germany does the most!” This is the definition of “Scholzing” that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz would prefer become the broadly accepted one. It is rather at odds with the definition …

Liberté, égalité, vindication

By Florence Gaub

French perspectives on Russia’s war in Ukraine

The first weekend after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was a turbulent one in Europe. Some 100,000 demonstrators gathered in Berlin, 80,000 in Prague; German Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke of a Zeitenwende, a historical watershed; a truck carrying altar bread rammed into the Russian embassy in Dublin. A long-held …

Build it and they will come

By Helga Maria Schmid

Sustainable security is found not in isolation, but in cooperation

As I prepare to return to Munich almost a year after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, I know that much of what we will discuss at this year’s Security Conference will revolve around how the foundations of the rules-based European security order have been shaken …

No crisis is an island

By Kira Vinke

How to tackle the security threats inherent to the climate crisis, and the climate threats inherent to security crises

With multiple crises requiring the attention of decision-makers, the climate crisis could soon spin out of control, with no adequate responses in sight. The security sector – from civilian crisis prevention to traditional defense – has …

Cable news

By Oliver Rolofs

Underwater infrastructure is the West’s next great security risk

Europe is increasingly in danger of being caught between fronts. Russia and China are pursuing their confrontational power politics ever more aggressively, not only using Europe’s continued demands for energy, critical raw materials and rare earths as leverage, but also attempting to gain control over data …

Stepping in it

By Dana Landau

Israel is experiencing a seismic shift – or maybe just more of the same

Having assumed office at the end of 2022 for his sixth term, Benjamin Netanyahu is back as Israel’s prime minister. But this time he has the backing of a solid parliamentary majority and Israel’s most right-wing government. His Likud party’s coalition …